I have many sexy pictures on my Facebook account , some people like it some complained. But seriously I dont care. I Love expressing myself I dont get to do this before I want people to know the real Sherry... Deep down I am a very sexy person... Most of my ex boyfriends didnt know abt becoz most dont have that great chance to live with me or be in Bed wt me "ahaks". Im in my mid thirties and I feel very confident of myself I am very happy with myself now I feel great at this age. Woman should know how to love themselves appreciate what they have and they will look beautiful naturally.
Sedekah senyuman pada orang sekeliling jangan sesekali kita berlagak sombong nescaya wajah kita akan terpancar hati kita harus bersih. Tapi biasalah sebagai manusia kita tidak dapat lari but ingat pada Allah SWT selalu insyaallah perasaan yang tidak baik akan hilang.