I would like to wish my dearest Mother a Happy Mothers day... My mother is very different from any mothers out there. A very difficult person to please my cousins all knows about my mum's character sometimes they symphatize me. She makes me do things her way and she will always checked with who Im out with, she do scan my friends too. Maybe because Im the only daughter so cant blame her for being over protective. She is not only my mother she is also a good friend she saw me laugh, cry, happy or sad and if I have any problem that I cant solve normally I will ask her for a solutions and she did give me good advice.....When I was a little girl mum always showered me with expensive gives but at the same times she makes sure Im not spoiled. Ever once when she was admitted to hospital I was all alone I cried and afraid of something might happen to her. As I walked out from the hospital I cried & sat down didnt know what to do I felt lost suddenly theres an old lady came to me she sat by my side & start chatting with me, she ask me to have lunch with her and I did. Seriously Im not sure where the aunty came from but I was touched at the time when I needed someone to talk too Allah swt sent someone. My cousin ramai but as usual tak mahu menyusahkan sesiapa coz I know god will always be there for me. When I was admitted to hospital & felt sick my mum was the one who's been there. She never sleep always wakes up & make sure Im alright. Itulah kasih ibu tiada siapa yang boleh menandinginya.
My mum is very fierce well lets jus say it runs in the family... Jus like my late grandfather no one dares to do anything funny. Me & mum always argue with each other on certain things but after that we become best of friends. I am taking care of her now even though there are time she make me stress... selalu tanya bila kau nak kahwin umur kau dah berapa aku dah tua nak ada cucu.... alamak pening kepala..
Sebagai seorang anak yang baik kita harus senantiasa mendoakan Ibu dan senantiasa memohon agar segala dosa dosa kita dan ibu senantiasa diampunkan Allah SWT. I Love you Mama.... Insyaallah satu hari nanti akan ku bawa mu ke tanah suci Mekah.. amin..