One of my favourite politician son of Malaysian Ex Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad he is currently running for the Ketua Pemuda UMNO post. Someone that people can trust and very capable I must say. I call him Obama of Malaysia because he is a leader of the new generation. A great influence from his father and hope he can carry on the legacy.
He has got this calm but firmed personality, doesn't jump to conclusions and probably knows what is best. I am glad he decide to get himself involve in politics because as the son of an extra ordinary man I am sure he will make a good leader.
Dengan latar belakang yang luar biasa Mukhriz sudah tentu akan menjadi ketua yang bijak dan baik untuk mempertahankan dan membangunkan negara. Perwatakan yang agak lembut tetapi tegas dan disenangi oleh rakyat. Semoga dia dapat meneruskan perjuangan ayahandanya and GOOD LUCK