I have always admired Tun Dr Mahathir Muhamad the Malaysia ex Prime Minister, somehow I think the Malaysian's were lucky to have such a brilliant leader. I have always wanted to talk about him but I don't have that time but maybe now for a short while. If not because of his great ideas Malaysia would not have developed. He knows what is good & bad for the country and he would take drastic action just to safe his country from being destroyed even though he had to face alot of challenges and criticism from people around. But he definitely kows what he's doing because Allah Swt (God) has created this special person with an extra ordinary brain to lead this special country like Malaysia. As a leader he has got a strong character and was admired & respected by people around the world.
Tun adalah seorang yang tidak pernah pentingkan diri sendiri dia sangat sayangkan negara, bangsa dan agamanya begitu pun juga dia tidak pernah lupakan bangsa bangsa lain yang begitu ramai masih menyayangi dan menghormatinya. Walau pun keputusan nya yang kadang kala kita lihat seperti terlalu "cruel" tetapi sebenarnya itulah keputusan yang terbaik untuk menyelamatkan negara sekaligus dunia. Mungkin kah kita sekali lagi dapat seorang leader yang sepertu Tun di masa akan datang mungkin lagi seribu tahun pun belum tentu. Dengan kebijaksanaan yang diberikan oleh Allah Swt kepadanya untuk menjadi seorang ketua adalah satu hikmah untuk orang orang Melayu. He is a very straight forwrd person and he expect the same from anyone else who works for him but he is also the type that will give people a chance if he thinks theres a potential and he is not selfish. I hope Tun dan wife selalu berada didalam keadaan baik dan mendapat perlindugan dari Allah yang maha esa.
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