Monday, May 18, 2009
New Years Eve Pic

Sad Days...
I was very upset for the past couple of months because I loose a deal that cost 15K well thats a lot of money you know for me atleast.. I was working very hard for it but in the end someone else took over its really pathetic.. And now didn't feel like doing anything at the moment. I prayed last night and reading surah yassin just want to be with God.. I have alot of commitment so that is why the deal really mean alot to me. But I understand bukan rezeki, my aunty came last weekend and I told her about it but she says "its ok don't give up mungkin bukan rezeki kita" so after hearing that I felt abit better. My luck was very good during the beginning of the year after that slowly it when downhill but alhamdulilah I still got my job. Few weeks ago my friend brought me to a shop that was selling all those stones like Jade etc, the owner a chinese was good at fortune telling so he look at my face and told me that I am facing a tough time now and that now one is helping me I have to go through it all alone but so he told me not to cover my forehead and get a hair cut. Well ofcozlah we can't believe so much on this sort of things especially a Muslim like me but just to take precautions.... But insyaallah give me another few weeks to get back into shape...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sultan Selangor is out from ICU
Heard Sultan Of Selangor is out from is out from ICU syukur Alhamdullilah, semoga Tuanku akan kembali pulih dan kembali ke tanah air. I have been quite worried for the last couple of weaks. I met Tuanku many years ago together with YAM TEngku Sulaiman who has been my good friend for a very long time now. I even met Almarhum Baginda Tuanku Sultan Salahuddin long before when I was about 17 at that time I was working part time during my school holidays as a Public Relation in an exclusive restaurants. Almarhum Tuanku Sultan was a very humble person tak pernah memandang rendah pada sesiapa. He treats everyone the same I feel very thankfull coz able to meet Almarhum Tuanku inperson. The day when Tuanku mangkat I really feel very sad because I understand coz it was agreat lost to the country and the people.
Patik mendoa kan semoga Tuanku Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah akan cepat sembuh dan dipanjangkan umur baginda serta dilimpahi rahmat dari Allah SWT.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I used to worked as a Marketing Executive for a publishing company that was run by a well known Malay businessman here. The company publishes the First Muslim Consumer Directory and I am part of the team. When it first started my boss was only targeting on Muslim companies for advertising but later on I came out with an idea of inviting the non muslim's company to participate so as they can promote their items to the Muslim consumers and it really paid off. I realised that we are the one who started the marketing of the halal and Muslim product that is why we see many companies from the event management are following suits by having an exhibitions everywhere. Then later on after the launched of the directory my boss decided to look out for an investor, then I was thinking it might be a good thing so I proposed to my good friend Datuk Syed Yusof and eventually after a few meeting with my boss Datuk agreed to the idea. But later on I found out that my boss was asking way too much that I personally feel it is not worth because I know how much the whole operation cost so I told Datuk to back off from the deal because I don't want to be blame or be responsible if the company doesn't make any profit.
So after quiting I was offered a job with a good friend of mine Syed Ahmad he used to work for Utusan Malaysia but based in Singapore at that time. He open up a company call UMS Event so I was working as an Assistant Manager, my job was to look for sponsorship from big companies and during those days I was often been invited to some functions & Seminars and there is when I laid eyes on one of ex-politician he was a graduate from Harvard University and a very ambitious man, he was a shareholder of many listed companies. Very tall, smart, inte;;igent and I must say he got this great personality, he was looking at me the whole time and I kind of like him at one point but we didn't actually had any conversation until later on when I followed my boss to Kuala Lumpur to attend the opening of the new Utusan Office. My boss invited him to the opening and telling him that Tun Dr Mahathir at that time Tun was still Malaysian Prime minister will be the guest of honour. So I made a call to him and he was actually on his way home and was already in JB, when he heard that I was in KL he told my boss he will drink "RED BULL" to keep him awake and that very day itself he drove all the way back to KL.
So my boss and my other colleague making a joke out of it they said" tengok tu dia tahu you ada pat sini sanggup minum Red Bull and drive back all the way back" hahaha it was funny and I still remember that... So when he arrives he call to my room and we chatted on the phone for a very long time, he wanted to buy a Baju Kurung coz I was complaining that I had nothing to wear for the occassions. But then ofcoz I didn't buy any because it was already too late and all the shops are closed and I am the sort who doesn't like to be obligated to someone. So the next morning we went for the opening ceremony I followed my boss in one car and he drives his Merc from behind as he was driving back home after teh ceremony and he was asking me to tag along but ofcoz I couldn't as I got other things to do. So from then on he started calling me, fetching me from work etc. He is married of coz with two kids and he love his children very much. After the third date he asked me to marry him, I was shocked because I just knew him for couple of weeks mana boleh I kahwin dengan dia besides he is already married and I told him I am seeing someone at the moment which is true I am seeing someone but not to the extend of getting engage or married but I am seeing someone I told him. He refused to eccept my explaination probably coz of Ego biasalah lelaki maybe he think he is nothing to me as to compared with my other boyfriend. But I didn't think that way for me I am just not ready to get married at that time. He is nice a prefect man who have everything, loves reading and intelligent (this is what turns me on) but the only set back is that his married and saya tak suka merosak rumahtangga orang lain.
So we went out for few months until one day his wife started calling my office she ask me are you Sherry I said yes then she told me that she found my name on her husband's diary and her husband also wrote my birthday date, so I actually told her the truth and she was quite calm while listening to my side of story. But then later she started calling me again by then I refused to take her calls, her husband also called me saying that they both have been quarrelling for many days now and that he reminded me about his wife will come and look for me. He was nice coz he wanted to protect me in away because he knows I am not at fault as he was the one who in the first place started all these. Few times she called but I didn't want to answer her calls and my colleague Nassier was the one who answered all her phone calls , Nassier got scolded by his wife many times just because she can't get hold of me. Its been going for awhile almost all of my closed friend knows about it becos he was a prominent businessman here.
Then one day she called again I answered and we spoke for a very long time. I realised that she was quite a nice lady and she actually told me about her husband weakness in woman. And she told me that her husband kept denying about going out with me and she told me that her husband was blaming me for everything and she wanted to know the truth who actually started. She then wish to meet up with me in one of 5 star hotel Lobby Lounge I agreed, the day came I was sitting down waiting for her, she came and introduce herself. I wasnt afraid because i wasnt the one who started the affair it was her husband's who is so madly in love with me. But she was nice lady because as a woman maybe understands my situation she then told me that she had invited her husband for a drink with us but didn't tell him that I was also there.
About after 15 mins her husband arrived looking so stunned to see me there together with his wife, his wife asked him to confessed everything infront of me, and to her surprised he started to praised me instead and his wife got so mad and told me that was not what she heard from his mouth before. She then said " Betul Sherry he critizes you earlier on and now suddenly infront of you he says differently thing" . He told his wife not to get me involved I was not in the wrong, he told her I was the nicest girl he have ever met, itu yang membuat Isterinya lebih sakit hati. My heart melt after hearing the nice words that coming out from his mouth. His wife then told him " You don't love your children anymore is it? why are you doing this things to us" Well Its normal for a woman putting children into the pictures so that the man will feel guilty... I didn't want to prolong the conversation so I excused myself. later that evening he called me and says that his wife wants a divorced but I advice him to stick to his wife & sake forgiveness because as a woman I know how she feel. and i know I can't take him at that moment because I was engaged to someone at that time already but maybe if I am not engaged I would have considered accepting him as my future husband because he got this fatherly figure that i am looking for in a man.
After the whole ordeal was over his wife called me up & we went out to have lunch and she told me that her husband have said sorry and that things are getting back to normal. She also thanked me for telling her the truth because if not she would not have known her husband true colour. But stilll after a few month I split with my fiance for some reasons then again my phone rang and when I answered it was him, they both were having an argument again, tak habis habis!!. I heard his wife kept telling him to tell me off on the phone ( macam tak puas hati)when I know he never will. He then told me that his wife was not satisfied because he was all the time gentle and nice to me and that she can't take it. She really wanted him to scold me badly, and then my mother heard me talking on the phone with them, my mum just took the phone and told them off saying " stop disturbing my daughter another time you call my daughter i will take actions" after that I never heard from them ever again. I still have the small diamond ring that he gave me. I know in his heart he still have the liking in me because ever once I called him regarding about some business, he then told me that I have created a big scarr in his heart that would never heal ( drama mama!!) I was laughing because for me what ever happened before I will never take it to hard and tend to forget about it easily but ofcoz when I think back I still feel the same towards him. ...
Just few months ago I saw him taking the same lift as I am just near my office together with his business partners I was stunned to see him in the lift and so does he. He kept starring at me through the lift mirror even his business partners realised it because he didn't responds to them he just stands there starring... Well that was my story about this man I am not sure what he is doing now but he is such an intelligent man who study hard & work hard for his family.
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