Heard Sultan Of Selangor is out from is out from ICU syukur Alhamdullilah, semoga Tuanku akan kembali pulih dan kembali ke tanah air. I have been quite worried for the last couple of weaks. I met Tuanku many years ago together with YAM TEngku Sulaiman who has been my good friend for a very long time now. I even met Almarhum Baginda Tuanku Sultan Salahuddin long before when I was about 17 at that time I was working part time during my school holidays as a Public Relation in an exclusive restaurants. Almarhum Tuanku Sultan was a very humble person tak pernah memandang rendah pada sesiapa. He treats everyone the same I feel very thankfull coz able to meet Almarhum Tuanku inperson. The day when Tuanku mangkat I really feel very sad because I understand coz it was agreat lost to the country and the people.
Patik mendoa kan semoga Tuanku Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah akan cepat sembuh dan dipanjangkan umur baginda serta dilimpahi rahmat dari Allah SWT.