If only people know who I am involve with in the past then maybe they would understand why I am still single. From red carpet to yellow carpet from six star hotel to a Big huge Bangalow but I am still a humble person who lives normally like an other ordinary people. If I am an actress or a singer probably I have more Gossips then any one of them but becoz I am not a public figure so it doesnt matter. That is why I dont wanna be someone popular although I love singing because I treasure my privacy very much. There are times when I jus wanna look ugly and not want people to look at me. You see I dont ask for all these things to happened but it did maybe god jus wants me to experience & understands what human being really are. From Rich to the Poor I can mingle with anyone & be jus like one of them if theres a need.
Like my best friends use to tell me "You very good Sha you jus know how to put yourself in any situations" and thats very true
Well was born that way I guess its in the blood.
I was with someone for 10 years if I were to patient maybe I would have married him and be a "Puan Sri" .... If tidak pun a second wife to a VVIP but becoz Im quite hard headed and not sure at that time if now maybe I am very sure hahahha. Takpelah bukan jodoh saya walau ramai kata saya stupid . But during those period maybe I am being to nice & trust people too much that is why.
I am the sort tak suka orang mengada ngada, berlagak, sombong paling I benci...Pernah sekali I was invited to attend a VIP house so called Datuk & Datin.. My friend who asking me to tag along so three of us went, it was rather a nice home they invited all the who & who again I dont give a damn. As I walked in ofcozlah all the men tend to look at me cuma the woman they look with one kind of stare...so i buat muka selamba lah after ambil makanan we sat at one table then two of my friend both were guys hilang pergi mana I tak tahu left me alone there eating suddenly a group of VIP wives & kids (daughters) looked at me wt one kind of look all of a sudden they crowd around my table dengan muka sombong .. GOSSH I can tell you all of them really plastic lahh .... macam mana you all kalau tengok TV how these Rich people react samalah diluar...meluat I wahhh cant stand it.. but these happened many years back so maybe now people are different ..They kept talking to each other and jeling jeling I pulak tu as usual me & my humble self kept to myself. Suddenly my ex boyfriend came wt his brother & wife ( my ex ni memang ramai segan dgn dialah very wel known & respectable) He came saw me & came straight to my table & sat with me all eyes were looking and guess what all the woman around earlier on yang mengada ngada tu start to be nice to me... Suddenly semua berubah become so hypocrite ...That is why I malasss nak mix wt golongan "elite" lah kononnya.. I am not want to say normally kerabat diraja that i with ramai yang humble yang suka berlagak golongan VIP biasa yang mungkin baru kenal erti senang padahal semua pun orang kampung jugakan...
Why cant the be humble harta pun tak bawak masuk kuburkan amalan kita saja....That is why Allah always give me a surprised through out my life although there are times dugaan banyak but bersyukur i rasa apa yang mungkin ramai tak pernah merasa it is becoz my humble charactor tak pernah pilih bulu untuk berkawan lebih senang kepada kawan yang jujur & down to earth.... Its very important...