Im am very fortunate to have that natural beauty ofcoz Im not that drop dead gorgeous but Alhamdulilah Im very thankfull of what I have. Theres no botox no plastic surgery but I do take supplements & so call collagen for my face & body. Excercise sometimes not all the time but I love dancing each time listening to sexy music and I will dance sexily jus to keep my shape intact. But now Im abit older so hehehehe not as perfect as when Im younger though but I still got that body of a when I twenties... gullp.. You see beauty came from the heart also as a muslim praying & zikir is something that I do on certain nite. I will feel at peace theres no one else you can turn to except Allah SWT... Even though when times when I do have some personal problems I jus leave it to him and I dont take it so hard I relax come down n enjoy my life. Because when you takes things too seriously your face will show.. Ok now I wanna talk about Beauty...
I notice many woman nowadays they tend to do botox, plastic surgery most do not have that natural beauty at all.. In Singapore for instance most woman are not pretty jus becoz of their dressing and make up ofcoz Botox its common. In Malaysia I think the one who did their faces are actresses singers n some VIP's. yelah ada duit semua boleh buat.
What I notice most within this regent is that Indian woman are the least using botox or plastic surgery they quite natural, second Malay ladies they do have that natural beauty but there are maybe 40% had their face done like botox etc. Chinese ladies are one the most botox users they somehow did their nose almost everything. European hmmm I think the superstars had their face done aswell as body.. I mean you can see if its natural or not.
I was reading a newspaper here in Singapore they have these weekly paper called Urban about fashion and to my surprised some ladies they so ugly looking but they really got the chick to rate themselves on higher scale when the reporter interviewed them... hahahah simply no shame....I wonder whther they do look at themselves in the mirror first. I can tell you if not becoz of their dressing & botox I would give some of them 3/10....Im not trying to critises but its the fact. I dont dare to judge myself even though people say Im beautyful coz as a human no one is perfect isnt it...If you wanna see if that woman is a real beauty should look at them when they wake up in the morning.
Another thing is I know that I am a Muslim I should not post sexy or show off my aurat BUT I cant take it if other girls from other races or religion can show their beauty to everyone and people adored them including Muslim Man but when it comes to Muslim ladies we got critices...I think that is not fair Muslim ladies Malays, Arabs, indonesian all of us have got that natural beauty so why should we hide? We must be proud of what God gave its a miracle. Alhamdulilah .
AS long as we dont do things to harm others . Semua bangsa lain tunjukkan kecantikkan mereka kenapa tidak wanita Melayu.. hmm sgt rugi kita mesti lawan we have got nice tits & butt show to them ...ofcozlah takkan nak telanjang we mus love our body dont let anyone bring us down they have no right...Mus have that self confidence dont be afraid. bila masa nak bertudung bertudunglah...kadang orang yang bertudung tu pun belum tahu perfect kan so we mus got that limit know when to start & stop. As long as man dont take any advantge of you mus know what you are doing. I know what Im doing and Im here to share my views many things I would have wantinf to say but at the moment jus this I leave it to you to think further