Sunday, March 29, 2009


Sherry took the What does your birthday say about you? quiz and the result is DecemberLoyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

I took this quiz from the facebook it is so true what they mention about me.....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Sis Puteri's Birthday in JB

Puteri with hubby Tengku Bakar & bonda YAM TEngku Shahariah together with Aisyah & Atiah Arman was beside Atiah but was not in the picture.
Me & my lovely sister Puteri "Happy Birthday"...

We're having lunch together next day we stayed over at Tengku Bakar's house. Had great fun!!

Me before the party..

The Lovely Sharifah Azizah & myself taking picture's at Istana Tengku Abu Bakar's.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My late grandfather he was always smart and proper in his dressing. Sebagai keturunan Diraja dia memang amat bengis dan garang.
The Sultan of Indragiri Sumatera this picture was kpet for very long time was said to have been related to my Grand father .

During his younger days the other two was probably his followers.
My late grandfather came from sumatera Indragiri, although he came from Royal blood he was always humble and refuse to let anyone know his true background. Few days ago my friends actually saw a documentary regarding about the Royal household of Sumatera which was link to my late grandfather. He use to kept a Keris covered with yellow cloth but he burried it somewhere near our old house where we use to stay. Maybe he doesn't want anyone to know.
He is also has a very strong religious background so it is not surprised if he was supposed to be someone very important in the past.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


One of my favourite politician son of Malaysian Ex Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad he is currently running for the Ketua Pemuda UMNO post. Someone that people can trust and very capable I must say. I call him Obama of Malaysia because he is a leader of the new generation. A great influence from his father and hope he can carry on the legacy.
He has got this calm but firmed personality, doesn't jump to conclusions and probably knows what is best. I am glad he decide to get himself involve in politics because as the son of an extra ordinary man I am sure he will make a good leader.

Dengan latar belakang yang luar biasa Mukhriz sudah tentu akan menjadi ketua yang bijak dan baik untuk mempertahankan dan membangunkan negara. Perwatakan yang agak lembut tetapi tegas dan disenangi oleh rakyat. Semoga dia dapat meneruskan perjuangan ayahandanya and GOOD LUCK

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Self Confidence

Newest Pic Of Myself..

My Mum looks cool but she is fierce & no nonsense

Me at home just came back from shopping... Biasalah my hobby dah beli lepas tu menyesal..
I have seen some married woman out there still trying to seduce other man whenever they out & about. Their husband don't know or don't care but personally I think it is not right, once your married it is better to concentrate on your family. There's always a case where some woman get married just the sake of getting married, It's either they afraid to be alone or just want someone to be around. these people probably lack of Self Confidence.
I came across some friends who is practically married but still hungry for attention especially from the males. But the fact that I am single I have the right to do whatever I want. Sometimes I tak faham kenapa wanita yang sudah berumahtangga masih ingin mencari kepuasan diluar.. Mungkin perkahwinan mereka bukan atas dasar cinta atau kahwin hanya kerana takut hidup sendiri. I have two female friends yang sudah punya suami tapi masih lagi berdating dengan lelaki lain diluar bukan itu sahaja malah mereka melaram seperti anak dara. Apabila mereka melihat saya enjoying myself as a single hood mereka ingin buat yang serupa which is not right because I am single and I have every right to do what ever I want. They love competing with me which I think not necessary sehingga ada yang rasa cemburu terhadap saya padahal mereka sudah bersuami REALLY STUPID!!. Most probably their husband not giving them the kind of attention they wanted. That is why I am very carefull who I choose to marry because i don't want to end up like them.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm hungry, this is my favourite Baked Dory Fish especially when it serve with mashed potato and salad. Wow I'm hungry already if the restaurant's doesn't have Dory Fish I will automatically go for Salmon. I am very particular about food especially when I go to those fine dining or expensive places to eat I would expect it to taste good & fresh because if not I would get very upset. The reason why you pay so much is because you want to enjoy what you eat if not theres no point. Salmon is my second best choice but it's all depends and cannot overly cooked coz you will spoil the taste.

Dory fish has got this fine taste and soft you can feel it melts into your throat amazing and I love it you should try it...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Alot of companies retrenching staff or companies asking them to go on an unpaid leaves. I am lucky because I still have a job although I feel like quitting sometimes. It is not easy for some people who has got a commitment like families, housing loans, bills etc. Nowadays most husband & wife are working so as to maintain their daily expenses. But it seems that now the economy are not getting any better and it may last for at least two years. I am sure the goverment is doing something to help. It can be quite stressfull for some because we can hardly move anywhere now have to stay put. Especially people like me who have to go on working because I have no one else to support me. I admired some woman who just not have to work and not have to worry about paying bills as everything was taken care by their husbands. I have many clients who husband's owns big properties and what they to do is just go shopping and sometimes follow their husband go on an overseas trip. Even during these tough times I don't think they are greatly affected at least they don't have to worry about whether they have enough food to eat.

But I don't really like staying home & shake leg but what I am saying is that at least I can do my own things and not get any stress when end month comes. I am quite a shopperholic, when I feel unhappy all I want to do is just shopping and that really make my day. But with these things happening to the world I have to think twice about my hobby. Just like this weak I was busy bringing a client viewing and they seems to love the penthouse after negotiating about certain things suddenly this morning my cobroke agent told me that my owner have got too many expensive furnitures so the company doesn't want to take the responsibilties if the couple decided to rent the unit. Its such a nonsense I am sure the owner very well understand the situation even before they decide to rent out the place. It cost almost 15k p/m but owner wiling to neg to 10k p/m. I can tell you the unit is superb if my husband is rich I would have bought the unit. Anyway I felt quite frustrated because I was like running around to help them to negotiate in the end they come out with this statement but anyway it still an on going deal guess have to hope for the best. I was thinking that maybe if I close this deal i can buy myself a Gucci or LV beg that I saw recently.. But ofcoz it is better to safe it on rainy days.. Alot of things doesn't come as easy as i thought it would, just have to struggle alittle bit here & there. Hope the economy will recover soon...


Melayu mungkin pupus?

BANGI 10 Mac - Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah hari ini mengingatkan orang Melayu tentang kewujudan usaha radikal oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk mengubah resipi kekuatan bangsa Melayu.
Baginda bertitah, resipi yang mahu diubah itu terdiri daripada faktor-faktor agama, bahasa dan budaya di bawah naungan dan perlindungan raja-raja Melayu serta termaktub dalam Perlembagaan.
Baginda menegaskan, dalam konteks bangsa Melayu di negara ini, resipi kekuatan itu merujuk kepada elemen utama penyatuan dan kekuatan bangsa.
"Hari ini telah timbul usaha-usaha radikal daripada kalangan yang tidak mendalami muslihat di sebalik yang tersirat yang mahu mengubah resipi tersebut,'' titah baginda.
Raja Nazrin bertitah demikian ketika melancarkan buku The Malays karya ahli akademik Australian National University, Prof. Anthony Milner di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) di sini hari ini.
Raja Muda Perak bertitah, keterusan hidup atau survival Melayu sebagai satu bangsa bergantung beberapa faktor yang selama ini memberikannya identiti dalam bentuk agama, bahasa dan budaya.
Titah baginda, ia termasuk budaya bernegara dan berkerajaan yang berpegang kepada prinsip rakyat beraja dan negeri bersultan.
Baginda bertitah, betapa malangnya bangsa apabila berlakunya tindakan yang mahu menghapuskan tradisi dan meruntuhkan institusi Melayu.
"Betapa terancam survival bangsa apabila tradisi dan institusi tidak lagi dihormati dan disifatkan sebagai antitesis kepada pemikiran rasional, permodenan dan sains.
"Betapa malangnya apabila generasi yang cetek terhadap latar belakang sejarah mengaitkan tradisi sebagai amalan jahiliah, tahyul dan dogmatik," titah baginda.
Raja Nazrin bertitah, dalam mengharungi gelombang globalisasi dan menghadapi dinamik politik yang sedang melanda, bangsa Melayu kini di persimpangan jalan dan menghadapi dua kemungkinan.
Titah baginda, kemungkinan pertama ialah bangsa Melayu akan terus bertahan, berkembang dan kuat serta dihormati dan diiktiraf sebagai rumpun bangsa yang agung di dunia global.
Kemungkinan kedua, titah baginda, ialah bangsa Melayu hanyut dalam gelombang globalisasi, menjadi lemah kerana akar budaya dan tradisinya telah dicabut malah pemikiran, gaya hidup dan nilai-nilai budaya bangsa makin disisihkan.
Sehingga akhirnya, baginda bertitah, Melayu itu akan pupus dan tinggal sebagai nama dan cerita yang terkandung dalam hikayat-hikayat lama.
Pada ketika itu, Raja Nazrin bertitah, tiada lagi minat untuk dilakukan kajian sosiopolitik dan sosioekonomi bangsa Melayu secara dinamik.
Baginda bertitah, kalau masih ada pun yang berminat mengkaji bangsa Melayu, ia mungkin terbatas kepada sejarah kejatuhan atau lebih tertumpu kepada aspek antropologi dan arkeologi bangsa Melayu yang hanya tinggal dalam sejarah.
"Untuk itu, perlulah bangsa mengambil renungan akan kisah kebodohan Pak Kadok, memiliki ayam sabung yang hebat lalu dipermainkan oleh pihak lawan.
"Akhirnya Pak Kadok menyerahkan ayam sabung kepada lawan, Pak Kadok sekadar bersorak menang sabung sedangkan kampungnya telah digadai," titah baginda.
Was looking through the web this morning and this statement from Raja Nazrin through Utusan Online and would like to share it with everyone czo it is very interestin and meaning ful.
Sungguh tajam dan sangat berkesan titah Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, rakyat Perak sangat beruntung kerana mempunyaii ketua negara yang bijak dan prihatin kepada nasib rakyatnya.
Raja dan Sultan pada zaman ini mempunyaii ilmu dan pendidikkan yang tinggi itulah kelebihan yang diberi oleh Allah swt kepada mereka dan sebab itulah mereka terpilih untuk menjadi ketua negara. Kita harus menghayati dan menilti segala titah Tuanku Raja Nazrin kerana sekrianya tidak dijaga segalanya mungkin akan hanyut dan pupus.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I have always admired Tun Dr Mahathir Muhamad the Malaysia ex Prime Minister, somehow I think the Malaysian's were lucky to have such a brilliant leader. I have always wanted to talk about him but I don't have that time but maybe now for a short while. If not because of his great ideas Malaysia would not have developed. He knows what is good & bad for the country and he would take drastic action just to safe his country from being destroyed even though he had to face alot of challenges and criticism from people around. But he definitely kows what he's doing because Allah Swt (God) has created this special person with an extra ordinary brain to lead this special country like Malaysia. As a leader he has got a strong character and was admired & respected by people around the world.
Tun adalah seorang yang tidak pernah pentingkan diri sendiri dia sangat sayangkan negara, bangsa dan agamanya begitu pun juga dia tidak pernah lupakan bangsa bangsa lain yang begitu ramai masih menyayangi dan menghormatinya. Walau pun keputusan nya yang kadang kala kita lihat seperti terlalu "cruel" tetapi sebenarnya itulah keputusan yang terbaik untuk menyelamatkan negara sekaligus dunia. Mungkin kah kita sekali lagi dapat seorang leader yang sepertu Tun di masa akan datang mungkin lagi seribu tahun pun belum tentu. Dengan kebijaksanaan yang diberikan oleh Allah Swt kepadanya untuk menjadi seorang ketua adalah satu hikmah untuk orang orang Melayu. He is a very straight forwrd person and he expect the same from anyone else who works for him but he is also the type that will give people a chance if he thinks theres a potential and he is not selfish. I hope Tun dan wife selalu berada didalam keadaan baik dan mendapat perlindugan dari Allah yang maha esa.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Sultan Selangor murka

* Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah menyifatkan orang Melayu yang terus mempersoalkan kedudukan raja-raja dan bangsanya sendiri sebagai biadap.
* Golongan ini juga disifatkan baginda sebagai tidak berbudi bahasa dan tidak ada perasaan malu kerana mempertikaikan perkara berkaitan kedudukan raja-raja dan hak orang Melayu secara terbuka.
* Kemajuan dan pembangunan yang dicapai boleh hancur jika orang Melayu terus bercakaran, disebabkan terlalu ghairah merebut kuasa.
* Tidak ada gunanya bangsa Melayu kekal di dunia tetapi tidak bertamadun, tidak dihormati dan boleh dipermainkan serta diperalatkan.
* Orang Melayu perlu bersatu apabila timbul isu-isu yang melibatkan kepentingan mereka dan Islam.
Saya sangat setuju dengan pendirian dan ketegasan Tuanku Sultan Selangor yang sangat prihatin tentang masaallah yang melanda orang orang Melayu. Malah mereka diibarat "sendiri gali lobang sendiri yang masuk lobangkan". Harus mereka bersyukur kerana mereka masih mempunyaii Raja yang boleh mempertahankan hak dan kebajikkan Rakyat.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have been busy with facebook recently and finally got in touch with all my old friends & long lost cousins & Aunty like Sharifah Fatimah, Sharifah Zaiton and Sharifah Intan. I manja dengan mereka since small but when I grew up we became apart because I have been busy with my life and so are they but it seems nice to stay in touch with them.. I nver told them about my blog not yet lah because sometimes nak mengumpat tak boleh only my the other two cousin's like Juliana & salina jer yang tahu I punya blog. You can search through Sherry Meera if you go into facebook. One think about facebook I couldn't get my older friends to go into that because most of my friends they will have their own secretaries to do things for them most of the time.

Company 10th Anniversary

I love beautiful flowers..

Colleague Mr Kong Kek hehehe no lah I call him Mr Kong Kek actually its Brandon.

My Secretary May Tan

Lion Dance

My current boss recieving a gift from customer

My ex boss Philip Stallman & the rest are VIP's from Hamburg Germany. the lady wearing red is Grace from Singapore branch.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I can be very nice to people around me but if they start to get on my nerves I will definitely give them a hard time. I am against with people who are plastic & ungenuine especially when someone start lying, you can never trust them for the rest of your life. I can forgive someone easily as long as they say sorry and admit their mistakes. I can cut off my friendship with anyone who tries to step on my back or do something which is unexceptable to me. In my life I had received 2 poison letters saying all kinds of things about me. The first one came from London I still keep those letters till today maybe for prove of some irresponsible idiots who think too highly for themselves, I actually found out who wrote those letters. The contents really disgust me and it is so ashamed that it actually came from someone who supposed to be highly educated & respectable but attitude sucks!! I was still a teenager when those letters came from london and was written by my ex boyfriend lover who were not happy with me. I know who she is, such a skinny b**tch but still there are man who have an interest in her. She was married to a tycoon Maybe was match make by her late father coz he was also a director in the same company which the Tycoon runs. But then she got divorced and I heard because of bad attitude towards her ex husband that is why she got a divorced, I can understand why because the way she wrote that letter to me it shows what kind of character she has. But still man are so blind that they can't see that witch in her and still took her as wife. Betul betul buta lelaki Melayu, perempuan jahat macam itu pun boleh dibuat bini. Ini mesti jenis berpura pura baik infront of the public when actually dalam hati dia penuh dengan najis. I will not forgive her sampai akhirat. Coz she hardly knows who I am and yet she could write such letters. One day she will definitly receive a lawyers letter from me. It will sure be a headline..

Another surat layang I received while I was dating a Justice son.. He was very good looking and came from a respectable family and was a lawyer in his own family law firm. We work on the same building soemone around that area maybe found out about our relationship that they sent poison letter to my boss. In the letter they wrote about me going out with a justice son and that they saw me holding hands with this guy infront of public (which is actually not their business!!!). My boss at that time just showed me the letter and told me to becarefull of this people. I told my ex boyfriend about the letter he request me to show him the letter & he wanted to take action against them, but I told him not to do so as it is not worth it.

I was always the victim of jelousy. It is not easy to please people around you there are times when they could not get you they will try very hard to pin you down. But now I am the bitchy one because I learned from it As it is better not to be too nice coz no one will appreciate you it is better to be cunning and win the race. Don't you think!!