Isabella adalahKisah cinta dua dunia,
Mengapa kita berjumpaNamun akhirnya terpisah
Siang jadi hilangDitelan kegelapan malam
Alam yang terpisahMelenyapkan sebuah kisah,
Terbayang lambaianmuSalju terbakar kehangatan
Dunia di penuhiWarna berseri bunga cinta
Kita yang terlenaHingga musim berubah
Mentari menyepiBernyalalah api cinta
Siang jadi hilangDitelan kegelapan malam
Alam yang terpisahMelenyapkan sebuah kisah,
Terbayang lambaianmuSalju terbakar kehangatan
Dunia di penuhiWarna berseri bunga cinta
Kita yang terlenaHingga musim berubah
Mentari menyepiBernyalalah api cinta
Dia IsabellaLambang cinta yang lara
Terpisah keranaAdat yang berbeza
Cinta gugur bersamaDaun daun kekeringan
Haluan hidupkuTerpisah dengan Isabella
Tapi aku terpaksaDemi cintaku Isabella
Moga dibukakanPintu hatimu untukku
Akan terbentang jalanAndainya kau setiaOh! Isabella,
Whenever I listen to this song it reminds me of my teenage years and one chapter of my life, when I was still it secondary four. This particular song was a major hit during those days it was sung by the most popular group from malaysia "Search" and the lead singer Amy normally they call him Amy Search.
I was reluctant to post it on my blog but what the hack it is something memorable to me. When I first met Amy when he was having a month long show in Singapore, masa tu lagu Isabella belum keluar lagilah. If I am not mistaken lagu Rozana was a hit. I am not a big fan of rock group at all but because everyone in school kept talking about "Amy and group Search" I was curious then one day masa baru pulang dari sekolah I saw an advertisement in the papers about Search playing in one of the club, I pun call that club saja suka suka tak sangka pulak I dapat berbual dengan Amy. I got excited then Amy told me that he was staying in one of his promoter house in Tampines so asking me to visit him and he says no worries coz ramai peminat dia selalu datang bersembang. Then the next day in school I told my friend Suzana about me talking to Amy Search lah, dia pulak yang excited to make the story short I bawa Suzanna pergi jumpa Amy Search yelah takkan i nak pergi seorang diri. I remember I was wearing a red top with a pink tight jeans later Amy fetch us under the block I was shock to see him in person coz he so look so petite for a man but cute looking especially his eyes. So he invite us to his apartment upstairs memang ramai peminat in the house then we met the rest of the group members Hillary, Din, Nasser and another drummer I lupa nama siapa (sorry)! Then at that time coincidently Amy juga ada seorang peminat setia her name also call Rozana according to what I heard she has been quite closed to amy ever since he arrived Hmm sama macam lagu Rozzana yang di nyanyikan. She quite pretty but then amy told me she was just a fan. I went a few times to visit Amy together with my school mates (siapa lagi I lah yang bawa mereka). To my surprise rupanya some of the band members and his friends told Amy that I am proud and sombong. I pun tak tahu maybe its just me coz I memang jenis yang tak suka cakap banyak.
So later Amy brought me out have lunch and went to peninsula plaza and some other places he was looking for a denim jeans. while we were walking around the shops we bump into some of my school mates the next day rumours start spreading in my school. I kena usik sampai dalam kelas but for me personally I never think of Amy as a star he is like a closed friend. I pun tak faham kenapa budak budak tu suka mengusik until my teacher got to know. Amy & I went out together to some places etc, well when I went out with him biasalah dia ramai peminat masa itu pula memang dia tengah hot dan duda. And my mother never comment about me going out with Amy's my mum seems to trust him even then she brought me to watched his show in the club and ask Amy to keep an eye on me. The best part Amy ever fetched me from school he waited for me at the school gate kecoh satu sekolah but all my school mates walked together with us. Amy was very friendly and everyone got excited seeing him especially the girls. But I am just normal don't even think of him as a star because as I mention earlier I not intersted Rock Band. Then the day came when he supposed to leave, I was quite sad after school I had to meet him before he leaves, I went home and changed he called and told me that he will wait for me downstairs at the apartment bila i sampai ramai peminat Search that wanted to sent them off, Amy was there waiting for me ada juga peminat wanita yang kelihatan agak marah bila nampak I but itu biasalah.
Ada satu masa tu Amy got caught because of drugs i was so divastated because don't want my mum to think bad about him but he mention that he got nothing to do with it.
After that we met occasionally in Singapore when he was doing his recording under M.Nasir if I am not mistaken Album Mentari Merah DiUfuk Timur (Forgive me if I'm wrong). I followed him to the studio once and met composer M. Nasir personally teringat lagi M Nasir tersenyum melihat aku duduk di sofa mungkin mendatangkan idea untuknya haha!. Amy also took me to watch Lefthanded concert here in Singapore again my school mates saw I think some of them took some pictures. Pernah sekali tu he call my home in the morning masa tu I tak pegi sekolah malas nak bangung, my mum answered and told him I was sleeping he then said 'Dia tak pergi sekolah ke?" so funny!! Anyway he still owe me a pearl necklace from Sarawak hehehe!!
Then Hari raya me & my cousin went to visit Amy in JB, met his late mum,dad & Nabila masa tu masih kecil she called me Aunty then in the evening Amy went to my aunty's house in skudai kecoh satu kampung. Tapi Amy ni busy selalu ada orang invite dia for hari raya so I kena tunggu my turn. Then one day Amy called me I was walking around Pasar malam at Uda my cousin Juli berlari cari I kat uda and told me to get ready Amy is fetching me to watched Man Bai's concert in JB, At that time he just bought a new Citreon car in the car he played so many times a song he just recorded I remembered I ask Amy " kenapa you asyik repeat jer lagu ni" Then he jokingly told me that this is your song rupanya lagu itu "Isabella" that time album belum pun belum released but I think they actually finish recording. When I first listen to it I didn't quite like the song but later when the song becomes a hits hmm barulah I perasan bertapa Istimewa nyer lagu itu.
So bila I balik JB semua jiran near my aunt house mengusik saying Isabella tu lagu awak ker? Maybe because tehy saw Amy ever coming over to visit me and coincidently memang nama samaran I "Iza" so apalagi mereka mengusik. I should say we are quite closed and later I heard alot of gossips about him apparently we grew apart because I was still schooling and he was there and I am here....Dia pula ramai peminat wanita sometimes when I call his home mesti ada peminat wanita yang angkat fone siap gosokkan baju lagi...
Amy did told me about our differences coz he is afraid that one day I might look for someone with different status & backgrounds, which Is true what he says coz I actually had seen other things in life but I really thankfull for that great memories and the song Isabella have always been a special one for me. I am glad he finds happiness in duniawi and ukhrawi. Alhamdullilah... the story happens many years back I wrote this in my blog because few days ago my ex schoolmate Suzana was mentioning about Amy & his restaurants and we started talking about old times. Amy has always been a nice person & I adore him he respects the elderly too. I am glad he found someone that can be with him forever insyaallah. To Amy all the best of luck insyaallah one day I go visit your restaurant...
1 comment:
Interesting you should write a book..
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