It was a tragic, their mother passed away three years ago duirng the first day of the fasting month. She had this growth in her stomach which she don't even realised but theres already a sign like she lost her hair drastically and her period doesn't stop flowing. i didn't know exactly what happen but one day she called me because of some issues regarding about my male cousin she then told me that she felt something in her tummy and that she always feel fool after a eating just a few spoonfull. Then I asked her maybe you not eat fruits enough because she don't like eating vegetables and fruits only certain type of fruits she will eat and that's not very healthy. But she denied and told me something not right. So I thought it wasn't serious until her sister called me up & mention about her tummy grows bigger and that the doctor says its already in a serious stage which cannot be help. I was devastated and kept thinking about her three children, they are so adorable and too young to loose a mother. Her sister told me not to mention about this to Azizah because they not want to upset her but I guess she knew whats going on. I kept calling her and give her advice via sms I said "don't worry Allah SWT is there for you be strong and everyone will go thru this too" They were living in JB so two weeks before her death she forced me to come over and actually asked her husband who is working in Singapore to fetch me from home. So that morning her husband came and fetched me & my mum, when I arrived my aunty"s home I can see her tummy becomes big and she look rather helpless. Sedih melihat keadaannya dan jauh disudut hati saya tahu dia tidak akan lama didunia ini tapi dia punya semangat untuk hidup puas juga berubat sana sini tapi sudah kehendak takhdir. I spent sometime with her when I was there then I remembered two weeks later me & my mum thought of visiting her again but then we got caught up with something else. Before that I actually dreamnt of Azizah, she came to me & said she will leave this world I told my mum & her sister about my dream it was like telling me whats going to happen. According to them the day before she died she couldn't even walk properly anymore & they sent her to one Ustaz a (muslim priest) The Ustaz ask her did you see anything now she says yes she saw three man wearing white and one of them asking her to follow him and to everyone surprised she spoke in Arabic fluently when she doesn't even actually know the language at the three man that she claimed to see, later exactly pass midnight one of her sister Juliana called my handfone I already prepared for the bad news yes Azizah passed away. I was sad and everyone too because she left her three beautifull children as they are still a baby how unfortunate. Mereka bertiga hanya melihat mayat ibu mereka terbaring diruang tamu dan mungkin mereka juga musykil lalu mereka mencium dahi ibu mereka tapi dengan kusa Allah mereka memahami yang ibu mereka tidak akan kembali lagi.
Then one year later I was having diner in boat quay with my friend Juliana called and told me Wan (Almarhum Azizah husband) met with an accident and he died on the spot, I was so shocked because the kids just lost their mother about a year ago and now its their beloved father. Wan suami Azizah juga rapat dengan ku mereka suami isteri selalu menemani sekiranya aku punya masaalah sekarang mereka sudah tiada hanya tinggal kenangan. Mereka meninggalkan tiga anak anak comel yang masih kecil tapi kita semua redha memang sudah ketentuan Ilahi. Walaupun mereka kecil tapi mereka faham yang ibu bapa mereka tidak akan kembali lagi. But my Aunty's and cousins are taking care of them right now. Alhamdullilah mereka tidak susah kerena Azizah mempunyaii ramai adik beradik (my cousins) so they actually all took over the responsiblities. Memang tidak mudah menjaga anak yatim piatu perlu ada banyak kesabaran.
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