Botox combats wrinkles that are created when nerve cells within the muscles beneath the skin release a chemical called acetylcholine. This chemical triggers a muscle contraction that creates wrinkles. The Botox product, medically known as Botulinum Toxin Type A, is an injectable compound that disrupts the release of acetylcholine, which essentially paralyzes the muscle and stops the contraction. Results are fully evident within one week after treatment and remain for a minimum of three months.
Botox typically reduces wrinkles by 80 percent. Patients are typically between the ages of 35 and 60. Results vary among individual cases, and the results are temporary. You will need to plan for additional injections, depending on your long-term treatment goals.
The Botox Procedure
Botox injection is performed in the doctor's office, usually without anesthesia. However, a numbing cream may be applied to the treatment area. Patients may experience some minimal discomfort from the needle injection. Depending on the extent of treatment, the procedure can take a few minutes up to 20 minutes. Generally, patients return home shortly after the treatment is complete.
The selection of injection points is critical to the success of the procedure. The points of injection are first scored with a marking pencil. The doctor may select numerous injection points for each location to be treated. These points may not be located on the wrinkle itself, but at the area where the muscle contracts. Antiseptic is also applied.
The doctor will then determine the amount of Botox to be used for the procedure.
The Botox filler is then injected into the marked points beneath the skin. The toxins in Botox fasten to the muscles' nerve endings, which inhibits the release of the chemical acetylcholine. This will stop the muscle contractions that wrinkle the skin.
Results are usually evident within one week and last about three to five months.
If you want to plump up sunken cheekbones, fill in stubborn facial lines, or create more supple lips, you may want to consider fat injections.
Fat injections are a popular short-term solution to temporarily improve the appearance of hollow cheeks, thin lips, an aging forehead, eyes, and scars. There is no need for concern about a foreign substance in your body, the fat used in the injection is taken directly from another area of your body.
Ideal Candidates
People who use fat injections may be any age. The best candidates for fat injections are well educated about the procedure and fully able to comply with aftercare instructions. Repeated treatments may be necessary — good candidates are prepared for multiple sessions in order to achieve their desired results. In order to be a candidate for fat injections, patients must have excess fat in another part of the body to harvest the fat injection from.
The Procedure
The procedure is performed in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. Patients may experience minimal discomfort from the needle injection. Depending on the extent of treatment, the procedure can take from 30 to 90 minutes. Patients return home shortly after the procedure is finished.
First, an antiseptic is applied to two areas: the location of the fat to be removed from your body, and the target areas that will receive the fat injection.
Fat cells are then removed from the buttocks, stomach, or thighs with a syringe or cannula (a thin hollow tube) that is connected to a vacuum device.
After the fat cells are suctioned, they are processed and purified by the doctor. The fat is then injected beneath the skin into the target area. A bandage may be applied at this time.
Results are fully evident within one week. Fat fillers never result in 100 percent improvement of wrinkles, scars, hollow cheeks, or thinned lips; nor are the results permanent. Results can last as little as a few weeks or as long as one year.
Transplanted fat cells will die without blood supply within three to four days at body temperature. It takes three to four days until the first capillaries are reaching the injected fat cells. Therefore, the "take" of fat cells is always a gamble; some survive forever, while most of them don't take and are reabsorbed in the body.
After the procedure, patients may experience rather strong swelling and some bruising. The swelling may last for several weeks or months. The treated area may appear reddish in color within the first 48 hours. Scabs may form as well. Most often, normal activities can be resumed immediately. Patients are advised to stay out of the sun. Unmanageable pain or symptoms that are progressive or abnormal should be reported to the doctor immediately.
Complications and Risk
Complications are possible with any medical procedure; however, complications from fat injections are typically minimal. Complications may include uneven texture of the skin, infection, abscess, and scarring. In some cases, the area may be overfilled or underfilled.
I have got this info from the Consumer & Guide of Plastic Surgery website. Theres always the risk if you want to look beutifull. I walk pass a beauty clinic in Orchard Road and saw alot of people mostly ladies queing just to get their face done. So I am not surprise that most of them out there don't actually have that natural beauty I should say it's all fake. But I would strongly recommend to much older woman because I think it is necessary for them to have that self confidence at all times. I have never tried doing botox or fillers before because I am satisfied with what I have and not want to change any of it but maybe when I grow abit older maybe I would consider. My brother in Kuala Lumpur has got all the contacts of doctors and beautician who specialist in Botox he kept asking me to try, he has done it but whenever I looked at him I will start laughing because it becomes so unnatural. But ofcoz I didn't tell him as I not want him to get upset. Seriously if we intend to do it we should go to those certified doctors or beautician becuase we defintiely don't want our face to turn out ugly.
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