I have been through quite a number of relationship then I realise how egoistic most Malay or Muslim man are. They just want you to know them rather then they know you. They judge by the book cover instead of knowing the contents inside. It is very sad because dalam ugama Islam (Muslim law) Lelaki harus memberi perlindungan kepada wanita bukan menganiaya atau ikut hawa nafsu semata. What I'm saying is man should protect woman and not ill treat. They call themselves Muslim but they never practices any of it. I am sure not all but most of them especially the one with money & status they think they could buy everything. They interested and wanna get close but I am more interested on their intentions because if he call himself a Muslim he should know better on responsibilities in being a Muslim man and how to treat a Muslim lady. So I am not sure whether they should be calling themselves a Muslim if they are selfish.
They should give shelter & protection to woman and I am looking just that from a Muslim man which is hard to find. I ever felt that love & care from a western guy before and how he shows me that he cares and help me go through tough times. I don't think Malay/Muslim man would have done it for me how sad!!
The funny thing is ada diantara mereka boleh sanggup mengahwini wanita asing when actually ramai lagi wanita Islam yang perlukan perlindungan like me. Yes I am a very tough woman and man who wish to go out me should be someone with a strong character & patience ( was told by an astrologist). As I said Malay/Muslim man they don't want to know about you they want you to know and learn more about their ways & character rather then the other way around. It is a too much of hard work for ladies ...I would prefer a more relax and perfect relationship. In the end money & status doesn't matter what is important is how that someone really love you sincerely.
1 comment:
One thing about this topic, a bit sensitive whenever talking about egoistic. Question-How we can judge the person by receiving their treatment? It is too subjective to answer this question? And the same thing if we want to learn how to understand other peoples characters and feelings. We definitely can't see what other people's saw and we can't predict what is going to happen next.
SHARING ANSWER FROM MY OPINION: If we really understand what is the meaning of doa Iftitah, feel it, than you will know what is the real answer and conclusion. We also will know what is the meaning of human being..to show that nobody's perfect in this world. Sekiranya jodoh kita ialah seorang yang bukan Islam tapi perfect dari segi treatment, terimalah dan syukurilah kerana itu pemberian Allah yang tiada siapa tahu sebabnya kecuali Dia. Tetapi sekiranya jodoh kita itu seorang Islam tetapi tidak melaksanakan hukum Islam secara tawaduk dan ikhlas, ternyata ada rahsia yang tidak diketahui dan terimahlah seadanya,syukurilah dan serahkan pada Allah kerana Dia yang menentukan segalanya.
Short comment from me for now. Will contribute for some other time. Thank you.
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