This picture was taken when we were in Studebakers one of the club in Singapore

Noraza's wedding day now she have three kids the rest of the ladies behind are my cousin's

My Cousin Myrna Owner of Spa Indrani Kuala Lumpur this picture ws taken during our hang out in Studebakers the lady in the middle is the daughter of the club owner.

Was taken during our trip to KL both my cousin Sherry Myrna & Siti Murni a Shangrilla Hotel lobby now both of them married with kids.
Ini semua gambar lama semua masih anak dara sunti oops no except for Sherry Myrna in the middle that time she already married to her ex hubby Mr David Kentucky (Dia ni CHinese tapi nama American). But David was very popular in the night scene during those days and if he is around at the club with my cousin drinks would be on him. The one sitting down in the middle Azizah passed away.

Christmas party in Brix
Cousin I ramai ini baru separuh they are from my mother side. My father side have not taken any some of them are in Switzerkand, UK, Australia & Canada.
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